Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George

Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George

I loved this book! There's something very satisfying about this book that borders on fairytale but pulls back before getting too out of hand.

Creel is a girl from a small town that is orphaned and goes to live with her aunt and uncle who are also very poor. Her aunt (who is not quite all there in the head) comes up with the idea to give her to the local dragon so that a rich lord's son will rescue her and take them home to his grand house etc etc.

This doesn't sit well with Creel, who is a practical girl. Once she meets the dragon (she gets over her fear fairly quickly considering the circumstances) she asks him to just let her have a piece of his hoard and she'll stop the oncoming son (bent on slaying the dragon) and be on her way without any further trouble.

That's when things get amusing. I believe the dragon says something along the lines of "What would you want a pair of my shoes for?" in a surprised grumpy/exasperated voice. So Creel gets her first lesson in dragons. Not all dragons like gold or gems. The dragon she first meets collects shoes and he eventually lets her take one pair even though he was NOT keen on giving her the pair she eventually took. The next dragon she meets collects stained glass and one very silly dragon collects dogs...

But Creel couldn't always stay with the dragons, despite her friend Shardas being very nice to her while she stayed with him. So she heads to the capitol to try to find a job embroidering clothing. She gets a job finally but barely survives a harrowing day where she gets yelled at by a princess for almost stepping on her dog, nearly arrested by a guard for being out after curfew and rescued by a prince who has been the only one to give her a kind word all day.

The story plot continues as delicate and complicated as the patterns Creel embroiders and doesn't lose an ounce of humor (or cuteness) along the way. I was ecstatic to learn that she'd made a sequel as well even though this first one ended well enough. I like Creel and Luka and Shardas well enough that I want to continue knowing what happens to them.

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