Monday, November 10, 2008

Murder of a Medici Princess by Caroline Murphy

Murder of a Medici Princess by Caroline Murphy

I began reading this book today and also returned it to the library today. I couldn't get into it and got very lost in the details.

The subject matter was interesting enough but just SO laden with genealogies and descriptions of their clothing, the foods they ate (I was very grossed out by the breakfast food of "eyes, ears and brain of baby goat") etc.

The genealogy was terribly difficult for me to follow especially since I'm not a scholar of the era and have only minimal knowlege of the Medici's history. I was hoping to broaden my horizons with a novel similar to the ones by Phillipa Gregory but this read more like a text than a novel (and Phillipa Gregory is very detail heavy too).

All in all, I got about 50 pages in and called it quits. I was probably most disturbed with the image of the dwarf Morgante winning 10 scudi for crippling a monkey...

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