Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Shiksa Syndrome by Laurie Graff


The Shiksa Syndrome by Laurie Graff

The novel started out with an entertaining enough idea but I had a hard time believing anyone could be so desperate and deceiving.

It's one thing to model yourself after a certain desirable typeset to attract attention as long as it doesn't change the core of who you are.

Aimee is a publicist and Jewish in New York and is ready to settle down and have kids and let her biological clock have it's way. She wants to find someone that is Jewish too so that the kids will be raised in the faith etc etc. The only way she thinks she'll find someone to help her with those goals are to pretend to be a Gentile and deny every aspect of herself. She does of course find someone and even though he's Jewish he doesn't seem to like Judaism very much.

I had a hard time getting through the book. The lies and mass amounts of deceit were difficult to take even if Aimee did get the boyfriend she was setting out to get. I'm not sure the guy was worth the stress. Yikes.

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